My Baby Dog

Don't read this if you think it is so sweet it will make you puke.

But it won't, because my baby dog is cuter than just about any other dog on this planet.
Cuter than my friends Gerry and Kathleen's dog Henry, and he's darned cute.

This little blonde dog was such a good puppy. The absolute worst thing he did as a puppy was also one of the funniest things he's done so far. We used to keep him in the kitchen when we were away from the house, that way if there was an accident, it was easy to clean up. He only had one accident, on the newspapers, a bit of a bowel movement if you will. He was soooo embarassed when we came home! But, that isn't the story.

We didn't realize how much he was growing, and left a bunch of bananas on the counter. I guess too close to the edge. This adorable puppy managed to snag that bunch of bananas, and ate most of them, peels and all, smearing the entire kitchen floor with banana. A smeary, smeary mess!

There were a few pieces of peel and ends left about, and again, one embarassed puppy. Mr. Adorable, and not his fault, so I didn't even raise my voice. I was so afraid he'd start puking, but he didn't.

To this day, one of our favorite meals together is breakfast: toast and bananas.

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